East Hampton Middle School

76 Newtown Lane, East Hampton, New York 11937
     Phone: (631) 329-4112         Fax: (631) 329-4187

Our Mission

East Hampton Middle School is a teamed Middle School dedicated to providing a caring environment where all students are valued and their academic, social, and emotional growth is nurtured. We offer a challenging academic program and a rich array of electives. The after school program has an assortment of clubs, activities, and sports that will help young adolescents explore new interests and further develop established ones. I encourage you to explore our website to discover more about East Hampton Middle School.                

Dr. Charles Soriano, Principal  

All students at JMMES will be able to have breakfast and lunch this year at no cost, regardless of their families' ability to pay. This program is known as the Community Eligibility Provision.

CEP is not in effect at EHHS or EHMS. Families will need to continue to fill out applications for free and reduced price meals for students who attend those schools, even if there is a student in the same household receiving meals at JMMES at no cost.

Todos los estudiantes de JMMES podrán desayunar y almorzar este año escolar sin costo alguno, independientemente de la capacidad de pago de sus familias. Este programa se conoce como la Provisión de Elegibilidad Comunitaria (CEP).

CEP no está disponible en las escuelas de  EHHS u EHMS. Las familias tienen que continuar llenando solicitudes para comidas gratuitas o de precio reducido para los estudiantes que asisten a esas escuelas, incluso si hay un estudiante en el mismo hogar que recibe comidas en JMMES sin costo alguno.

Please type East Hampton in the search bar and select the school you wish to view. 

You can also download the FD MealPlanner app

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Google Play


Lifeline- DIAL 988
National Suicide Prevention 1-800-273-TALK (8255)
(Spanish language) 1-888-628-9454

Crisis Counseling 631-751-7500
Conexion (Spanish language) 631-751-7423 (M-F 5-10 p.m.)

Response Crisis Center
Suicide Prevention